Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our 2nd Anniversary!!

Wow it's been awhile since I've written anything, and lots of things have happened since I last did. But I think I'll start with this day. December 19, 2010
My anniversary with Ashley was on the 19th. 2 years peoples, 2 years!! It's pretty crazy how far we've come. It has not been easy let me tell you that. First we had to fight with the outside world that first year. So many challenges and hardships faced us. We were smacked around quite a bit, so much that I broke up with her for reasons that I can't stand by anymore. But she took me back when I realized how much I can't be without her.
From there we pressed on to our 2nd year which was a bit different really. Instead of having to fight off the outside world, we fought within our world. In the 2nd year we were together things between my mom and Ashley calmed down. As a matter a fact, my mom is actually turning out to need my girlfriend quite a bit for fashion and health reasons. B) But while that storm calmed, another came up. The 2nd year has been one of arguments between each other, especially the last few months. It hasn't been easy for us at all. Lots of emotional conflicts and battles have been fought within these 2 years, and a few physical ones to..sorry about the eye again. D:
But amongst all the fights and bad times, we made it this far. Besides all the unfortunate things that have happened between us, we pulled through it, we made many exciting and simply awesome memories, and we celebrated our 2nd anniversary together. It was a beautiful day, just Ash and I being us, the strange yet simple couple amongst all the rest.
The first year was a fight against our world, the second year was a fight within our world, and now we're moving on to the third year..I hope the past 2 years has covered all necessary fights. I don't know how the third will be, but I know we will make it through and simply grow to new heights together like we have already done. I hope we have many many more anniversaries together. B)
I love her very much.
Fun fact of the day: The first actual song I ever wrote was to Ashley. And from there on every other song I have written has been about her, except one which was to my grandfather.
She is literally the reason why I sing. She is my inspiration and my motivation to do anything. I've always complained that I had no drive for anything, I've wished for some inspiration to drive me to become something in this world. I can't complain anymore, I have everything i need when I hold her. I have all the love and inspiration I need to keep moving, and grow to be the man I should be. I didn't know for what reason, but now it's clear my reason is for her.
So back to my report on the day, it was great. We ate at hooters, that's just the way we roll ;D then we walked around the stores in search of a christmas present for me, we walked around some more and exchanged our anniversary gifts to each other, which was a ton of fun I might add. I made Ash search for her gift which she enjoyed just as much as i did :D and Ash gave me a list of 365 reasons she loves me..that's just awesome!! How many of you have one of those?? I bet none of you. :D I thought the list was wonderful, it made me tear and everything, actually me tearing up about the list was in the list, amazing huh?
But after that fun gift exchange it was getting dark so we scurried our way through the streets and made it just in time to catch the bus that was taking us back to her place. It was impeccable timing i tell you, as soon as we got to the stop the bus arrived. We've always had good timing and luck like that, it's pretty awesome. Then when we got her place we took it easy and just pretty much relaxed the remainder of the night.
And oh!!!! How can I miss this part?? I was thinking about it in the middle of this blog too.. :/ Well anyway Ash found a four leaf clover!!! It was crazy finding one. She started to search for one randomly in a patch of dirt on a short wall and didn't find one, and then she said that she had never found one before before she reached into the second patch of dirt and pulled out a four leaf clover. How perfect is it to find a four leaf clover on our anniversary? And in the most unlikely of places. She was pretty happy about that, and i wasn't to to surprised that she found one, she has this amazing knack for finding things like sales, omg especially sales lol ;P she also finds things left on buses and trains, it's crazy, but it's her and I love it. :)
So I think that will be all for now. This blog was going to be a general blog, not about anything specific, but when I started to write about our anniversary I just couldn't stop. lol So this will be all for now till the next one.
P.S. I love you! B)
Your Baracuda

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Good times!!

So, the last few days has been amazing. Relationship wise. Ashley and I have been getting along great and have been all smiles, something we haven't really been for awhile.
Let me fill you in on what's happened before these past few days. Ash and I have been going through a lot of rough patches for the past couple months, and it has only gotten worse as time past. We wouldn't really talk about anything, and we'd get into an argument about any little thing. It has been very tiring to be honest, and Ash will agree with me. In the past couple weeks a lot of things have been said, a lot of horrible things, and I'm sure a lot of horrible thoughts have come up as well. It's just been one thing after another and it seemed like we would never get out of that. The past few weeks has been a battle field between us because of a lot of things. I've done nothing but get on her nerves, and vice versa. To say the least it's been scary, tiring, aggravating, very rough, closed hearted, and horrible.
But in life you will always have your hard times. In life there will come times of hardship, apathy, unwillingness, heart break, terror, and many other things. But you can't just give in and throw in the towel when those times come. It's the same exact thing with love. Love is not just happy and easy times. Love is hard, and requires desire, and dedication. When those times come is when you have to love the hardest. Ash and I have gone through a lot lately, but we love each other very much. Just because we've fought and told each other many things, and done a lot of things that have hurt, doesn't we will put up our white flag and call it quits. True love can with stand the storm, and love can find it's way back out of it.
What I feel for her is not just something that depends on circumstances, or time, or place, what I feel for her leans on nothing and stands on it's own. I love her no matter what. We fight, we make mistakes, and sometimes we even hate each other. But no matter what I love her. At the end of each passing day that fact will remain the same.
And now, after everything we've gone through, it seems like things are calming down between us. The past few days we've got along fabulously, we've been able to actually talk, and we haven't been on each other's nerves attacking each other for every little thing. And yesterday, oh man it was the best of these past few days.
After Ash finished school we planned that she would take the bus to dolphin mall and I'd pick her up there so we can work out at the park for a bit. That's exactly how it happened. I picked her up at the bus stop and we headed back home where this really nice chicken, mashed potato, and biscuit meal was waiting for us. We ate the food and after sitting around for a little bit we drove over to the park with my sister tagging along with us.
First we started out by stretching a bit, and then we jogged 2 laps around the park path. Well that's a lie, I jogged 2 laps while Ash and Ally jogged half a lap, walked the other half a lap, and then sat down while I finished my second lap. lol But it's alright cause Ash was pretty sore already from having to carry her freagin heavy bags all over downtown. They were really heavy man, for real. Well anyways, after that we dedicated the rest of the time doing abs. It hurt, and it wasn't easy, but we did it. Well I did it, Ash and Ally Again, she had a good excuse so it's alright. After we decided we've had enough of ab workouts, we played a little soccer before leaving the park after the sun had set and darkness fell over us. I thought it was fun, it hurt, but I really enjoyed working out with them and working on my stomach. Ash says I'm getting fat and I've lost my muscle, so we'll see what she says after a few weeks of doing this exercise. ;D
So after that we went home, hung around for a bit, did Ash's math work, ate some rice and pasta, hung around some more, and finally left so I can drop her off at home. When we got there at her place I parked in the parking lot and there we sat in the car, with no sound but the sound of our voices. We sat there for awhile just talking, well whispering to each other, and staring at each other. It was so wonderful. The time we spent there was most time we've spent truly together just talking in long time. Ash commented on how much she liked it when we can just whisper to each other in silence. She said how much she loves to just hear me speak to her, tell her things, and share what I'm feeling with her. I must agree that it's simply wonderful. Even after we finally got out of the car and walked up to her place with her freagin heavy bags, we talked some more and shared a great time together before I left.
I hope this just marks a new time for us. A time where we finally get out of the storm we were in and get back to the amazingness of our love for each other. Get back into wonderful and beautiful times like last night. I just have to try not to piss her off, and she has to stay sweet more often. :P lol I loved last night, I love the good times we have ahead of us, and most of all I love my girl!! I'm madly in love, and I only fall deeper and deeper. Feels good. :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's way to late for this...Oh well.

So it's 2 o' clock in the morning. The only sound I can hear is of my fingers typing on the computer. And all of my family I have no idea why I'm writing this blog, but I started it so I guess I should say something right?
It's really peaceful that's for sure. Knowing everyone in this house is in their own little world while I share the real world with myself for a bit. At least, the world within these walls I call my home. It's nice to take time to be alone, and meditate for awhile. Think about everything that's going on in my life. It's kind of hard to do that while everything is moving around me, while things are happening within only moments at a time. When everything is silent, I feel like time is standing still, like the world has stopped for a brief moment giving me time to collect myself and then continue working in the morning.
When the world does stop for that moment, take a breath. Let the air fill your lungs and let your mind be free for change. I don't know about you but a lot of things flood my thoughts all the time. After awhile those thoughts become heavy and weigh you down. It happens to me. I become filled with problems, doubts, worries, terror, anger, confusion, apathy, and distress. Do you think I, or anyone for that matter, can continue moving forward properly like that? With all that baggage of past troubles and concerns? I'm going to assume your answer is no. If you continue that way you may end up becoming many things like: angry, frustrated, scared, overwhelmed, or maybe even apathetic towards everything. It's not good when you become so tired you just don't care anymore. So stop for a moment in the silence. It can be very amazing. And who knows, maybe in that quiet place of your own you will find the answer you need to fix the problems that weigh you down. If you do come up with anything, be sure to let me know. I'd like to hear it.
Well I think its time for me to go to bed now, I want to actually wake up in a few hours and not be completely dead. Have a goodnight in your own little world.
PS. I love you.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I Will Never Forget Those Words

"You're an ass"
"You disgust me sometimes"
"Good fucking bye. I'm going to have a great night. And I'm not going to miss you"
"And don't expect me to text you when I leave"
"I'll talk to you whenever the fuck I feel like it"
They are beautiful quotes don't you think? You know, I do believe the anger behind them is justified, I must admit that. She had every right to be angry. But these words, and everything they mean..I think it was going to far.
The deal was that she was going to a party to see Maria(best friend, 'wife') after a long time apart. So she tells me this early on in the day. I'm pretty passive on the idea from the beginning. She thinks I was trying to ease my way out of going but I wasn't, I just wasn't sure if I would even have a chance of going. But w/e, she tells me and say I'll see what I can do. Later on in the day I start trying to see if I can go by asking my mom. She says I can go, but that Ash's mom would have to pick me up. So I actually got the permission finally, which is pretty weird, but I didn't have the transportation to get me there. I ask Ash if her mom would pick me up, I knew she wouldn't, and of course she told me it was to much. And yea, I agree it's to much for her to be doing.
So after all that and asking my uncle to take me, I lost hope in going. I actually had pretty much set in my mind that I wasn't going to go. And believe it or not, I was actually fine with it, cause I knew in advance I wasn't going to be able to. I was ready to accept the truth of the matter. But then here comes my dad and tells me that he will take me straight to the party when he gets home. I got excited and told Ash the news. After everything I had a sure chance of going and everything was good.
But then something happened. Ash tells me to hold on for a second while she finds out if I can even go. She comes back to me saying, 'opps my friend's parents got ridiculous and you can't go. And since she doesn't know you there goes your chance of going. Sorry.' Ok, I am now absolutely devastated and angry with her. Not the fact that I can't go, but the fact that she tells me this at the last f***ing second after I finally was excited about having a means of transport. And on top of that, I hate the f***ing way she says it. The way she says it seems so non caring and w/e. "You can't go, oh well to bad for you." That's what it sounds like, but she will not understand that fact. Sure, she says se authentically means the sorry and that she does care that I can't go with her to the party, but she can't understand that the way she says it just sounds like she don't give a shit whether I go or not. She has to find a better non blunt way of saying it. She loves to be straight forward and blunt with things but damn it, when you say sorry that I can't go at least make it sound like you mean it. Maybe it's also partly me that takes it that way, so harshly, but still I think she can improve on that.
And well now I'm very mad because I went through all the trouble and I got my hopes up, just to have her tear it down and tell me I'm not even allowed to go. Ashley knows that feeling well, being let down, so she can understand why I got angry being told this at the last second, getting myself ready and everything to go later.
When I get all angry now, Ash gets angry at me cause i do normally get jealous and angry when I can't join her with w/e it is she's doing. I admit and apologize for that jealousy, I admit 100% it was wrong of me. But this time had a lot more things going, but anyways, Ash lets out all of her feelings on me tonight. Apparently I hit a nasty nerve, and it bled all over me. She tells me really horrible things. The worst of those things were the quotes that i put at the beginning of this blog. I have those messages saved in my phone and will never forget them. After she said those things to me I didn't give a damn where the hell she was going or whether I was invited or not. Those words hurt me deep inside in a way I can't say. They stopped me in my tracks and I just stood there with those words ringing in my ears again and again.
She won't miss me. I disgust her. She won't text me back after the party because she assumes that all I will do is bother her and disgust her some more with question upon question. A little knowledge I learned in philosophy is that that sort of thinking is called inductive reasoning. She is reasoning that I will do that because I've done it the past. But the conclusion of inductive reasoning is never sure because it is pretty much a guess. I'm getting off track here. One thing that I will make sure is to not ask about this party. She could've kissed another guy at that party(just an example), but I will never know because I will not allow her to be right in her assumption that I will do that. In her assumption that besides all this happening, I will still try to be this "Controlling ass hole".
I am not a possessive ass like she's says, and I will try not to do anything that can throw me in that category again to prove her wrong. She said before she left that she didn't hate me, but I disgusted me. What she said to me has scarred me. It's changed what she thinks of me when I'm not being my "perfect" self. I'm not perfect, I'm only a pitiful human trying to live as best he can.
Right now she's probably still there at the party having a good time, not missing me at all. "And I have to live with it." The way she spoke to me before she left was like an overpowering parent telling the kid exactly what's going to happen next, that he can't do anything about it, and that he will have to live with it. It angered me and 'disgusted' me the tone she used on me. The things she said to me. I'm so angry inside. It's one of those deeply buried angers you hold inside, and outside, the only thing that shows is a dead face. A face that has no memory or emotion. Just a face hiding anger behind it.
Ash will not be texting me tonight, as she said, and I say good. I'm not ready to face her again. I'm not ready to accept anything as I type this blog now. I'm not ready to face that happy, cheerful face coming from seeing her best friend, while i hold this one. All I hold are these texts tonight, that I hate so much. I will not accept them.
This is off topic but my mom just told me that after my classes tomorrow, we can pick Ash up to go with us to..where ever, I don't care right now. Do you know what my answer was? I don't know. I don't know if i want to see her tomorrow at this moment. I need to sleep this off because the only thing I can think of is what she said to me. Those words, I need to sleep them off.
I love you Ash, very much. But right now, I'm bitter, not about the stupid party, not about not being able to join you, but about those words. Not even the words, but the fact that you truly meant every single one of them. You meant exactly what you said to me before you left. I won't kill you, and I won't "get over it" (I fucking hate that song), but that will kill me. You don't miss me one bit right now. That will haunt me. A goodnight for one cannot be a goodnight for all.
Sleep with God and all His wonderful angels and everything that's good. Goodnight. I love you.
"You're an ass"
"You disgust me sometimes"
"Good fucking bye. I'm going to have a great night. And I'm not going to miss you"
"And don't expect me to text you when I leave"
"I'll talk to you whenever the fuck I feel like it"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Great Night of Splashing in the Rain!!

Hey what's up peoples??
So I come to tell you a tale of a world unknown to all those that are not me and my girl. This world we came across last night. It was beautiful, mysterious, and all ours. The rain fell on us so gently, and the water beneath us crept up our legs the farther we walked ever so subtly. It was easy to get lost in this place. It was easy to get lost together in this water world.
Well what do you think of that intro? Cool huh? :P Now for a little elaboration on the occasion.
Yesterday I found myself fortunate and got the pass from my mother to visit my girlfriend. It was raining pretty hard everywhere. Especially near my girlfriend's place since she's closer to the ocean i would assume. Well on my way to her place I got inspired to jump and run around in some puddles from watching all the rain fall down. I don't know about you but I love the rain, at least when I can take advantage of it, and boy could I take advantage of it at her place. I park and when I walk into the parking lot it is practically a swimming pool in there. The water was plenty high to have your fun in, and get a good portion of your pants wet in. Like halfway up your shin.
After getting through that pool I go up to see my girl and we say our hellos, and we kiss, and hug, you know, the usual boyfriend girlfriend stuff. I stay up there for a bit and I tell Ash to come downstairs and splash around in the parking lot with me. She says ok and tells her mom the adventure she will embark on.
We go down and with some rain still drizzling down we splash around in the pond that has over taken the parking lot. It was so much fun, we splashed each other a bit and ran around in the water. We even found a little 'island' that we stood on to get away from the water. Ash pushed me off...I took her with me though. lol :D We spent a good while out there in the rain running around in the water, drowning our clothes before we cut it short so she can go up and continue doing some art work.
We changed out of our drenched clothes (good thing my girl has like a whole wardrobe of clothes of mine that i was able to change into) and then we sat down together and i helped her out with a project she was working on. While I was helping her I actually gave her an idea she can use and will use for one of her assignments! I was so proud of myself when she did a real quick sketch of the idea and figured out she was really going to use it. (My ideas usually aren't to great. That's why I was so excited about it)
But yea, after finishing my little section of her project we spent a few more minutes together and I went on my way back home. I never like the leaving part, it really sucks. Me and Ash were saying it'd be awesome if some tornadoes or something came around and I was stuck there with them for the night. It really would've been awesome, aside from the danger and harsh wind outside of course. Sadly it didn't happen and I got home before 10, but it was still a very lovely night of splashing in the rain. Can't wait to do it again!
I love you! :D

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Final page of the chapter!

Hey people. Well babe, since you're the only one that reads this. Our whole argument is over now. It's great news and I'm very happy to be moving forward now after this whole predicament. You see? I told you I'd still love her after this whole ordeal. And she still loves me, very much. :D
Well as I was saying in my other blog, she just wouldn't talk to me. Apparently she just couldn't or didn't want to. She actually said she didn't want to. But yea, I did get an 'I love you' from her which relieved me a bit, but she was still just not talking to me.
After awhile of this whole thing which I hated she finally starts to talk to me. She says we need some time apart..What a lovely thing to say after not saying anything at all right? But she's saying something so I'm going to run with it. After she mentions this we start to talk about it, I tell her that if space is what she needed, then she should've told me from the start. This whole space idea didn't sound to bad to me actually. I mean of course after I knew what she meant by apart. If she meant she wanted to break up for awhile or something that wouldn't have gone down to well for me. But she stated, "I don't need a month. Just a day. Or maybe even just a few hours everyday. Why must we be texting 24/7?" And my answer to that is that we don't have to be, no one is forced to do anything here, besides respect each other which is more like a rule then option, I believe. Plus, if this space is going to help our relationship, then so be it. I only want to be closer with her, I only want to grow to love her more everyday, and I would love the same to happen with her towards me too.
Well moving on with the story. We talked about this space thing, we both became clear of what that space was, and I told her if she needed some space from for a bit, some time to go away and actually miss me, then she can do as she pleases. As conservative as I may be, I don't ever wish to control her. The whole point of sharing her life with me is to be free and happy with me, not controlled by me. She said she needed to be able to breathe, so I agreed that this is necessary.
After saying we loved each other we stopped talking for a bit. She went about her school and getting home to do her work while I..sat around pretty much. lol I wasn't in the mood to work, Iwas still a bit angry with her, or bitter from the whole not talking thing. Well after we did our own thing for like 2 and half hours..yes, I know it doesn't seem like much time at all apart, but it should still count if it felt like a long time right? I think so..Ash texted me back saying hello. 20 min. later she texted me saying she was guessing I was asleep. She was But then when I woke up from my nap I answered back.
We talked a little bit by text, I was still pretty nonchalant but yea. To my surprise, after texting for a little bit she calls me. It was cut short because I needed a really bad bathroom break, but after that I called her back and we continued to talk for a bit. No we didn't talk for an hour and a half, and we didn't have the best conversation of our lives, but we talked. We were both loosening up again, me from my bitterness of the whole argument, and her from her not being able to breathe and talk to me. She asked me during our conversation if I was happy she was actually talking to me again. I really was happy she came back to me, because it felt like she was gone for that bit of time she couldn't say a word to me. I'm really glad we were able to talk after this whole ordeal and work it out. I just hope from now on she will simply be able to tell me what she needs or what she's feeling instead of completely freezing on. But anyways.
I make her happy!!! After we started talking again or a bit I asked her what was the first word that came to mind when she thought of me. I told her not to think, just spit it out. She said happiness. B) I knew what it meant but I asked her to explain anyways and it meant that besides what I may believe, I make her happy. That made me very happy, I'm glad that besides all of my imperfections, which I have a lot of i think..I still make her a happy girl.
Well that I think puts the cap on this chapter of our lives now. I believe we will simply grow stronger and closer from this, and I am pleased to say we are both very happy with each other and are deeply in love. In love with a passion like no other. We have a good grasp of what love is, and we will strive to make our love as perfect as we possibly can together. I LOVE YOU!

*Side thought- I wonder what the next chapter of our lives will be about..Hmm, I hope it's exciting, and doesn't involve fighting. Unless of course it's a wrestling fight. I don't mind those at all, those are fun. ;D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I don't know

She thinks I was trying to force her to tell me she loves me. I....just don't know what to say anymore. I just wanted to know if she was able to tell me that, I wanted to know how bad she really dislikes me or i don't even know. She won't talk to me about anything. I don't even know what she feels towards me. Apathy, anger, disgust, annoyance, force. I don't know. I never tried to force anything out of her. The last thing I want is something forced, I want her to be able to confront me herself and tell me anything at all herself. But she can't. She can't tell me anything, she doesn't want to tell me anything. I'm lost and I'm not doing very good. I just don't know.
I left her alone now, we're not talking because if I tried to talk to her anymore she's just going to start saying I'm forcing her into, and she will continue to just not say anything to me. So I left her alone to decide what she wants to do, let her decide when she feels she can and wants to talk with me again. I hope that time comes soon. I hope it comes. I wonder when she will read these two blogs I wrote. I don't know anything. I guess we'll see.

Monday, September 27, 2010


I'm soo freagin pissed man. My girlfriend wanted me to write this blog, so I will write it. Today I was pretty out of it. I was so tired all day today, I don't know why, usually I'm not so tired but today I was. So after a finished school and al my classes i pretty much just went home and slept the day away. I was just so tired. My girlfriend later, at night, when I'm pissed at her, fills me in that that is the reason she was only fine earlier in the day. When she was feeling fine all she was "Because I am" she absolutely refused to talk to me. But what is that? If your upset about not talking to me all day, then why would you go off and refuse to talk to me some more? To me, it is not right. I cared enough to ask repeatedly but she refused to tell me anything. She just didn't care, and I was left there with absolutely nothing at all. So we go on the rest of the night saying absolutely nothing at all. Then out of no where she tells me she's buying hair dye at publix..What am I supposed to say huh? Oh my gosh that's awesome! No!! I'm pissed to no end cause she has refused to talk to me. Don't get me wrong, I do care and wished I could just be like, "That's great babe, you happy with the color?" And talk about the whole thing with her but I couldn't. How could I? I'm mad, I can't just move on to another topic when this one was still going on in my mind.
So as you probably can guess, me not saying anything about her dye made her mad. Go figure. So we start to fight. But during the whole thing it seemed like I was mostly fighting myself trying not to punch a hole in the wall. She just completely treated the argument like it was nothing. She was so apathetic about the whole thing and it made me mad. This whole thing started because I didn't talk to her to much in the beginning of the day, and now that we were at the end of the day, she just refuses to answer me back. Oh and the loveliest part was when I called her to discuss this verbally and she said, "Just because" again, this time right in my ear. It was obvious to me she didn't give a rat's ass about this. She didn't care, her voice was so apathetic and dull. I hated it so much. Why was she doing that to me? All I did was care. Sure I didn't talk with her to much in the day because i was mostly asleep, but is that any reason to not talk to me? Like really? Is that any reason to completely push me aside and push aside everything I was trying to do and everything I was trying to say? I wanted to talk with her so bad man. I wanted her to tell me what was up, why she was feeling the way she was. I only wanted her to care enough to answer me back and not be fresh with me. Telling me that I don't care or telling something else simply to attack me personally. I wanted to discuss this problem. I tried so hard. I'm a guy, so it's hard to humble myself down sometimes but I was down, and I was desperate for her to say something. To change her tone and take me seriously and answer me. But she never did. I'm so empty right now I'm just babbling on now.
I didn't deserve that treatment, I know I didn't. I deserved a discussion, an argument about this. I did nothing but try to get her to speak, to say something to me after the whole dye thing that wasn't 'mhm' 'weren't you going to go?' 'just because' 'yea' stupid shit like that. I've poured out everything here. I feel what happened was unjustified. I feel like an old man now, hunched over with no words left to say. I called her, and that's something special when it happens because i know I usually don't, but she didn't care. Even after so late she has decided to keep to herself, give me nothing but smart ass remarks against me, show me no concern or care about me or what I was saying, show me nothing but pure apathy, and lastly above all deny my 'I love you'
Yes I'm pissed at her, yes I want to punch a wall or break my phone at this moment, yes I feel she went about this completely wrong, yes I feel she wasn't acting right towards me, but I love her above everything. At this moment she has been apathetic towards me and been a pain more then anything else. But I love her very much. Before this happened I loved her and after this is finished I will still love her.
She wanted me to write this so I did, I poured out my heart and what i thought about this whole thing. It was not right, and wrong on her part to freagin push me aside like that. That is where I stand. I want to talk with her, but I'm not going to talk with her if she refuses to, and gives me that shitty apathy. That tone of voice and attitude she used with me will stick with me all night, I may even dream about it. We'll see.
I like to forgive and forget, but not this time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Life is waiting!

Insecure and sensitive, none trusting and skeptical, and attention deficit. I'm talking about a lost musician, a lost man, a lost nobody.
It's hard to believe he made this far in life. I believe he owes that to his family, who still look after him in case he falls into a ditch for not paying attention. He wonders to himself all time, "What do I do now? What is my purpose in this life?" But he mostly wonders what he has to do next. I mean, if he at least knew what it is he should do now, maybe someday he will simply run into his life's purpose while turning a corner.
But this kid is lost. He has no corner to turn, no street to walk down, no hope for a bright, successful, and fulfilling future. He is what you call the undead. He's dead, but still walking around like a zombie looking for his next brain to feed on.
In this point in his life, he should be running with his dreams. Looking forward to, and fighting for his heart's desires. But he isn't. The question is why. Well that's a simple one. He simply is what he is. Besides being insecure, none trusting, attention deficit, and a zombie; he's lazy as well. What a combination huh? He has some nice traits about him though, he's not all bad. He's an awesome guy to be around and hang out with. I'm not telling you the opposite. But none of those good traits are going to do himself any good if he keeps holding himself back being all the bad things that he is. Especially being the zombie part, that's just no good at all.
He needs to stop moping around, stop feeling sorry for himself, stop being insecure about himself and which path he should follow, and start moving.
Yes, life is hard. It's hard because your blind 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time that your not blind your having things thrown at you so fast you could never have seen it coming. Life is like a maze with huge pot holes, quick sand, and roots that popping out of the ground ready to pull you under. It's filled with long, thick branches, and sharp poisonous thorns protruding from the walls ready stop you in your tracks. It also has other zombies roaming around in there looking for a life themselves, but needing your brains to do so. But, to put the icing on the cake, it's shrouded in a dense fog you can't see through. How you like them apples? But with all these booby traps and fog, you can still make it through. Life is hard and terrifying, but not impossible to live.
This kid has to gather himself together and start walking into this shrouded maze. It'll be difficult, but in that maze is where he will find his purpose. Battling through that maze is where he will find a meaning and find his true, heroic self slumbering inside his current dead beat self. And he won't be alone. He will have his family there always ready to help, he will have his love walking beside him to share this battle with, and he will always have me. He will be under my wings, and through my eyes he will see through the thickest of fog, and walk through the most impossible of paths.
So with all of this support beside you, forget about what you don't know and can't see. Focus on what you do know and can see. Focus on what you have, focus on where you want to be, and walk. Trust me, you will stumble and fall, you will get hurt and gain much experience in things you may not want to, but believe me when I tell it will all have been worth it. You will look back into the maze you walked through and say, "I may not be perfect, but with all of my imperfections I made it through all of that." And you will be proud to say you lived, and weren't stuck at the starting gates scared to jump into the race.
Let's go you dead beat, life is waiting for you!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Don't you hate it when people decide to shut you up?! I know I do. And then you ask for them not to do it again, and what do you know? They do it again!! Like they have the right to do such a thing? God, things like that frustrate me so much! Shit!
It was my bad to say something was bad without actually knowing what it was, but I couldn't contain myself. It hit a nerve, so whether it was good or bad, it was bad to me. How would you understand? You just see it as me being judge mental, when I'm really not. I'm just crying out because that thing hit an old nerve. It bothered me for reasons you wouldn't understand. It struck it because I have bad history with the creator, because it spoke of revealing secrets I would like to hope none of us have.
The idea just hit me like a sack of scorpions right from the beginning, so what seemed to be judging, was actually refusal to accept that that could possibly any good at all. I could never admit that whatever it is could actually be a pleasant thing.
So I come up with excuses, and reasons why that would be crap, why it's stupid. I try to come up with anything, anything that would serve me as back up as I try to bash it and wreck it. I just couldn't admit that it could be a nice idea, I didn't give it a chance because nothing from there was good in the past, why would that be any different. Anything coming from that, person, could never be good and honest. I hate it, anything coming from there.
There's a secret of my own: Anything coming from there or any bad memory bothers me, whether it be good or bad, I hate it. It's grotesque and intolerable. My thoughts would never dare venture into what was, my lips would never dare speak of what was that made me hate so much, and any part of myself would never dare venture into anything pertaining to that now, in the present or future.
So that's why I seemed to judge, that's why I snapped at the idea, that's why I hate it. It's just things that have hurt me in the past, bad things I've come across that make me lash out at certain ideas and actions. Life has made me many things I myself am not proud of. Like jealous and untrusting. So sorry if they get the better of me.
Ok, I think I'm done now. I'll cut this blog short for one night. I was never one to completely express and say what I'm feeling anyways. I can't help but hold back, it comes naturally to me. I hope this blog served at least as some kind of mystery to some of you.
Well goodnight everyone. And even though I'm still mad, I love you very much.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Another One of My Days!

Hello my peeps and my beautiful girl!! B)
I'm just here listening to Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds To Mars. I love this song, it's fantastic. Well since I'm here with nothing to do but listen to music, I decided I'd write another post about my day.
It's been nothing special today. Same old same old. Simply boring. I mean I can't say it was completely same old, that would be a lie. I did go with my mom and sister to get their nails done and what not, that only happens every once in awhile. Not that that's anything fun for me, it's just not an everyday thing. I also went to finish the last recording of my sister's voice for my song. It was great to finally, after so long, get that completed so we can move forward with the production of my song. So the day wasn't completely usual and typical, but it was still quite boring and unproductive the rest of the day.
In the morning I woke up late as usual, around 9:30 or 10. Some time around there ok. I got up, did my bed, wondered around the house wasting time doing pretty much nothing, and then finally decided it was time to get ready. I was planning on using my college class that I have every monday and wednesday as an escape to see my girlfriend for a bit, but that didn't pan out to well since in the end I ended up without a ride to school, so my mom would've had to drop me off. So then after telling her I wanted to go to class, I had to fight a bit to get her to just forget about me going to class today. lol :P It's funny how things turn out. I guess I deserved this turn of events since what I was planning wasn't exactly good. I mean it's not like I was doing anything really bad, but sneaking around isn't the best behavior, so I must say I deserved it. Shame on me. I'll try again on wednesday to see if it pans out better for me... :P lmao
I'm so bad. Not really, but yea. I would say I'm pretty much in the middle. I would like to say more good then bad, but I don't know if anyone else has another opinion of me. If anything I'm just a big goofy dork. We'll leave it at that. lol
So that was pretty much my day today, nothing really interesting besides the recording, which I'm really happy about. I can't wait to hear my song finally 100% completed. Neither can my Ashley. We're pretty psyched about it. So hopefully soon we'll hear it finished, and whoever else is reading can hear it too.
Well that's all for now, I hope your day was better then mine. And I love you Ash!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just my day!!

Soooo, today was pretty cool I must say. I woke up at around 7 only to fall back asleep and wake up just a few minutes after my girlfriend Ashley texts me saying wake up please!!!! She is a wonderful girl, and a silly one at that. Her silliness compliments my silliness which creates this supernatural force of awesomeness that is constantly shrouding us when we are together. Except for when we're fighting or arguing of course...I don't enjoy arguing her, but it just has to be done. The man always has to set the woman straight...Please don't kill me babe, it was a joke! I love her so very much! B) Well anyways, sorry for getting off topic for a minute, my girl does that to me a lot, I just can't stay focused on anything else when she overruns my thoughts like now...Darn it, I'm doing it again. Sorry!!!
Well after receiving her text like I do every morning, I got out of bed, which I was to lazy to make after getting up. I swear I went bak and fixed it before going out though, so yeah. When I got out of bed I went straight to the office and started doing homework. Yes, it is homework that should already have been done but, I'm a procrastinator, I can't help leaving the 200 math problems I had to do last week for this very moment just a few hours before heading to class. It sounds heart pounding huh? Well it is, which I'm sure you know just as well as I do. :P
After completing my 200 math problems I did my usual, daily routine. Pretty much nothing. At least until my sister gave me something to do. She made me slice, boil, and season the potatoes that were going to accompany the fish fillets she was heating up herself in the oven. At first, I didn't like the idea and only mildly protested and questioned why I had to do it while walking to the kitchen, but after cutting that first slice of potato I realized she had given me something to do. And I have to admit I enjoyed myself. I mean being a "silly boy" as my girlfriend calls me, how can I not enjoy myself. :D
So after eating the fish and 4 small pieces of potato that was left with, I grabbed my bag and went out the door to school. Well that's a lie...first i went out without my bag and without the stinking car keys..I don't know what was wrong with me but I had to go back inside the house for something I forgot like 2 times at least. I'm ridiculous sometimes I must say. lol Well after finally getting all of my required items for class, and to start the car, I left for school.
So here I am now, getting out of the car parked in miami dade's kendall campus parking lot #3..I thought I'd mine as well be exact with my location...but yeah, there I am walking to class, a bit nervous. I mean after all, my final was today, and I didn't even study for it except for when I did my homework earlier in the day. I walk into class just a few minutes early and find just about the whole class already taking the final exam, some looking nervous and a bit frustrated as well. I proceed to the teachers desk waiting to receive my test behind some guy that had arrived just a few moments before me. As I stand there waiting for a few moments a notice the tests we had taking just two days ago were laying there ready to be picked up by their unfortunate owners. I say unfortunate because I saw a couple F's and D's in that pile that made me even more nervous now hoping that none of those were my exam. Good thing it wasn't. I got a B- on the test. Which I thought was fantastic compared to those F's. When I pick up my last taken exam with some relief in my face, the teacher stops me and asks for my name. He answers his own question and replies with "daniel right?" So I wait there only for like another few seconds while he looks for my name in his book to give me my overall grade for the course so far. When he does find my name he turns to me without saying a word and points to this marvelous looking "A" on my grade sheet. He finally says, "see ya" those were great words. It turned out that since my final grade was already a solid A, I was exempt from taking the final exam. I was free only after spending a few moments in that classroom and shaking my teachers hand. I was sooo happy! I was jumping and dancing around all the way to the car. You should've seen it. lol
So after that I left school and raced down the crowded streets to pick up my girlfriend!! After about a half hour trip, I finally make it to her place to take her home with me.
I always enjoy going from class over to her place to pick her up, it's really fun. Because my destination and my mission is just so awesome. And omg, there is this railroad track that I always love to go over which I believe before sunset and on 87th ave. Every time I go over that huge hill of a rail road crossing I speed up and brace myself for the adrenaline pumping experience. It makes me And well anyways, I go over to her place and stop in. I say hi to her sister and her sister's boyfriend, we talk a little, and we head out back to my place.
Now, I'm so very sorry, but I'm not able to completely finish this post because I don't remember exactly what happened after that point any more. I waited to long to come back and finish it. So your going to just have to happy with what you have heard about the day. Next time I promise not to do this again, I have learned my lesson. Just know that day was great from beginning to end, I have no complaints about it at all. Well I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I love you babe! And peace to whoever else is reading this. :D

Monday, July 26, 2010

Umm hey there

What's happening?? Umm, so this is my very first time using this blog stuff. I have no clue of what I'm doing, or of what I'm supposed to write. So i guess I'll just type...Have you ever seen the Family Matters show? It's great. I think it's really funny..Sorry, I know it's random, but I thought I'd bring it up since that's what I'm watching. Also because I don't have a clue of what to say. Which I think I mentioned before..Well anyway, since I don't have much say, I'll just mention a few things about myself. I'm a guy, I'm a dork, I spend more time doing nothing then I'd like to, I love to jump around and do crazy high flying stuff, and I'm pretty much just a little kid trapped inside of this tall, dark, and extremely handsome body...That was a joke...To a certain extent. I am tan..Ok well anyway, the only one reading this really horrible post right now is my girlfriend Ashley Valentin, so I will spare her having to read anymore and cut it short. Only because I love her soo freagin much!!!! :D Well ok, here is my first ever post. I hope your eyes didn't like pop out or anything. I love you!