Monday, August 2, 2010

Another One of My Days!

Hello my peeps and my beautiful girl!! B)
I'm just here listening to Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds To Mars. I love this song, it's fantastic. Well since I'm here with nothing to do but listen to music, I decided I'd write another post about my day.
It's been nothing special today. Same old same old. Simply boring. I mean I can't say it was completely same old, that would be a lie. I did go with my mom and sister to get their nails done and what not, that only happens every once in awhile. Not that that's anything fun for me, it's just not an everyday thing. I also went to finish the last recording of my sister's voice for my song. It was great to finally, after so long, get that completed so we can move forward with the production of my song. So the day wasn't completely usual and typical, but it was still quite boring and unproductive the rest of the day.
In the morning I woke up late as usual, around 9:30 or 10. Some time around there ok. I got up, did my bed, wondered around the house wasting time doing pretty much nothing, and then finally decided it was time to get ready. I was planning on using my college class that I have every monday and wednesday as an escape to see my girlfriend for a bit, but that didn't pan out to well since in the end I ended up without a ride to school, so my mom would've had to drop me off. So then after telling her I wanted to go to class, I had to fight a bit to get her to just forget about me going to class today. lol :P It's funny how things turn out. I guess I deserved this turn of events since what I was planning wasn't exactly good. I mean it's not like I was doing anything really bad, but sneaking around isn't the best behavior, so I must say I deserved it. Shame on me. I'll try again on wednesday to see if it pans out better for me... :P lmao
I'm so bad. Not really, but yea. I would say I'm pretty much in the middle. I would like to say more good then bad, but I don't know if anyone else has another opinion of me. If anything I'm just a big goofy dork. We'll leave it at that. lol
So that was pretty much my day today, nothing really interesting besides the recording, which I'm really happy about. I can't wait to hear my song finally 100% completed. Neither can my Ashley. We're pretty psyched about it. So hopefully soon we'll hear it finished, and whoever else is reading can hear it too.
Well that's all for now, I hope your day was better then mine. And I love you Ash!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. That's what you get for sneaking around. You aren't suppose to do that. :P And Ibetter be the first person after your family that gets to hear your song! I can't wait to hear it! Too bad that I don't have a Zune to stick it on and listen to it all day. :P

    I love you too
